Monday, June 4, 2007

Thoughts on Publishing

So I've been debating lately whether I want to continue trying to get on design teams and getting published. I really like the fact that I enjoy scrapbooking, and I'd for things to get to the point where it seems more like a job to me than a hobby. I've already got a full-time job that takes up pretty much the entire work week, and I like reserving my weekends for family time, chores, and video games, so I don't think I want to put too much extra pressure on that. But there's this side of me that is competitive, and after watching my friends and others in the industry, it makes me want to get published too.

Maybe I'll try revisiting this in a year or two when I plan to be working from home more and I can devote a little more time to this. For now, I might just stick with the one design team and just keeping it light-hearted and fun.

Anyone have thoughts / advice for me?

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